Sunday, March 15, 2009



This semester is going by really slowly. :|
Also, only one construction class left YAAAYYY
Also also Isaac is making popcorn and it smells amazing. Yeah.
Lance and I are going to OKC tomorrow to scope out internships for this summer.

That's about it, I think.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

On school holidays.

I like time off from school. To a point. But if I know I've got a month within which my only responsibilities are to do the dishes every couple of days then I get absolutely nothing done. Now that there's only a week left until the new semester starts I find myself excited to get back to class, to get back to getting things done, and also realizing that I've only got a week left to do all those things I meant to do over the break. Which is painting.
The point of this blog, actually, is to kill time while the undercoat dries. I love to draw and to paint, I always have, but I love to do it for fun. That's why I'm not an art major. I can't stand giving away my pictures to strangers very often, and the urge doesn't strike enough for me to actually make a living. Plus I can't help but feel like a rather useless skin-tag on the body of society if I call myself an artist- in the field of landscape architecture I am actually making the world a better (and more beautiful) place, and that, honestly, makes me happy. I suppose that's why I'm doing it. It's art on a much more effective scale. Sure, a painting of a landscape is beautiful but it pales in comparison to a garden in full bloom, and while man often says he cannot live without art he truly cannot survive without plants to provide him with food, oxygen, and reprieve from whatever career he has chosen.
I will spend my life in a greenhouse and I will adore it.

Saturday, December 27, 2008


It's been a busy holiday. Spent the actual night in Enid with Isaac's family, received a great many sweaters/jackets, and then drove to Tulsa to spend the next night with my mom. Dave got me a raccoon skull. Then mom and I went to Kohls and spent the gift cards grandma got us on dress pants and earmuffs (for Isaac) and I got a new pair of sneakers and dress shoes. Trying to develop a more professional wardrobe. I do really like business wear, so it's not exactly pulling teeth.
Back in Enid now, while Isaac works on his dad's business stuff. Blogging.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

First Post

Hopefully I can remember to update this thing on occasion. I'm kinda bad about blogging. Actually I'm really bad. Maybe this can be a log of my school things, so that I can keep organized. Yeah. We'll go with that.